Sona100 is a campaign created by Sona Circle Refugee Recruitment as a direct response to the alarming rate of refugee unemployment in the UK (over 4 times the national average), exacerbated by the Covid pandemic.
We are on a mission to partner with 100 business in the UK to create more than 100 new jobs and opportunities for refugees.
Do you work for a business looking to hire a diverse workforce? Are you a socially conscious organisation? Do you feel like your place of work could benefit from making a positive impact within your community?
Each job created will earn your company one of the one-hundred squares on the Sona100 web page.
A study by McKinsey & Co. found that teams that have greater diversity are 33% more likely to be more profitable, 73% of employers surveyed found that refugees had higher retention rates and 87% of consumers said they would purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they cared about. So aside from being a socially responsible practise, hiring refugees is quite frankly, good business.
Show that you value diversity and inclusion by hiring a member of the skilled and dependable refugee workforce today.