5 Internal Communications Methods for Start-Ups

5 Internal Communications Methods for Start-Ups

Reading Time: 2 minutes    By Michael Brennan (Workvivo.com), Contributor  Are you a start-up company that’s developing your internal communications? Maybe you are a growing SME or established business that recognises internal communications could be improved. Identifying the issue is the easy part. It’s finding solutions that’s challenging, right? If this sounds like you, then this blog post […]

Meet Me at Fatma’s: An Inspirational Story of Refugees in Entrepreneurship

Reading Time: 2 minutes    By Katy Cottrell, Sona Circle Meet Me at Fatma’s is a series of pop-up brunch shops which serve delicious food inspired by traditional Yemeni cuisine. The founder of this business, Fatma Al-Baiti says that each dish is served with its own twist and has been inspired by ‘a certain tradition practised in our […]

Business Grants to Support Companies Hiring Refugees

Business grants for Refugees

Reading Time: 2 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle Hiring Refugees: Funding for Your Business   Having discovered the benefits of hiring refugees, you might be interested in exploring some avenues that could provide extra funding for a new hire. For training schemes, like apprenticeships, there is government funding available, and you may also be able to […]

Refugees & COVID-19: Why the Ability to Self-Isolate is a Luxury

Reading Time: 2 minutes    By Aanya Bhandari, Sona Circle In an appallingly short span of time, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a calamitous global effect, touching nearly every country and territory. As is the case with any catastrophic event, certain groups are left more vulnerable than others. One such group in this instance is refugees. Refugees face […]

5 Key Benefits to Hiring Refugees

Reading Time: 3 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle Hiring refugees in your small business or start-up has a whole host of benefits that simply don’t get enough attention. Without a wide range of skills and talent, a business runs the risk of stagnating. Hiring refugee interns to access a highly motivated and diverse talent pipeline is […]