The Rwanda Plan: Intentional chaos and cruelty.

Reading Time: 3 minutesWritten by James Patricks, Sona Circle 17/06/22   It’s no coincidence that the Prime Minister’s ethics advisor resigned just a day after a flight taking refugees to Rwanda was set to chart by Privilege Style airlines, an ironic name given the circumstances.   The Rwanda flight was thankfully grounded after each detainee launched legal disputes […]

Don’t fall for the Government’s lies this Pride Month

Reading Time: 2 minutesWritten by James Patricks, Sona Circle 06/06/22   Every June it’s the same. The same companies post their same slogans. One multinational corporation will make a big gaff which everyone will laugh at. However, it’s easy to forget how the same wet platitudes are made by our own Government. The official 10 Downing Street has […]

Our Government is failing the people of Ukraine

Reading Time: 3 minutesWritten by James Patricks, Sona Circle 01/06/22   14 million people are said to have fled their homes since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February. Many governments across Europe have stepped up and taken in refugees in their millions. Poland has been an incredible example to the rest of the world, taking […]

‘Fairness’? A response to the UK Government’s Rwanda asylum plan

Reading Time: 4 minutesWritten by Hannah Munday, Sona Circle 04/05/22   Fairness, defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary, is “the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable.” According to the Oxford equivalent, it was archaically used to denote ‘gentleness; kindness’, ‘sometimes contrasted with foulness’. Fairness, was also the word chosen by UK […]