Sona Circle Recruitment Helping Refugees find Jobs and Employment Opportunities

Reading Time: 2 minutes    Aanya Bhandari, Sona Circle With the refugee unemployment rate (pre-COVID) at 18%, more than four times that of the UK average, refugee recruitment remains a key social and economic issue for over 150,000 refugees in the UK.  In attempting to enter the labour market, refugees are faced with several barriers, both social and […]

#EqualTees by Sona Circle

Equal Tees

Reading Time: 3 minutes    By Katy Cottrell, Sona Circle As coronavirus swept across the UK many business sectors were hit extremely hard. The resulting increase in unemployment has been felt across the country, and especially in major cities like London, Manchester and Birmingham. One group of individuals that has felt the impact the most has been refugees […]

Business Grants to Support Companies Hiring Refugees

Business grants for Refugees

Reading Time: 2 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle Hiring Refugees: Funding for Your Business   Having discovered the benefits of hiring refugees, you might be interested in exploring some avenues that could provide extra funding for a new hire. For training schemes, like apprenticeships, there is government funding available, and you may also be able to […]

7 Effects of COVID-19 on Refugee Employment


Reading Time: 4 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle Refugees already face an extensive range of barriers when looking for work in the UK, from low proficiency in English to lack of social connections and difficulty accessing services, to outright discrimination. This leads to the rate of unemployment being four times higher than the UK average for […]

Quick Guide to Apprenticeship Funding for Businesses

Apprenticeships for UK Businesses

Reading Time: 3 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle In the UK, the government provides a huge amount of funding and incentives for businesses to encourage them to hire apprentices. For larger businesses, this includes the apprenticeship levy scheme. If your business if not yet taking advantage of this, then read on to learn more about the […]

Germany’s Progressive Approach to Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Reading Time: 3 minutes    by David Cregan, Sona Circle To understand Germany’s current policy on refugees and asylum seekers, you need to revisit the post Second World War period, 1945-1960. This 15 year period transformed a destroyed West Germany into its current economic powerhouse that we know today. There was a significant movement of refugees back to […]

5 Key Benefits to Hiring Refugees

Reading Time: 3 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle Hiring refugees in your small business or start-up has a whole host of benefits that simply don’t get enough attention. Without a wide range of skills and talent, a business runs the risk of stagnating. Hiring refugee interns to access a highly motivated and diverse talent pipeline is […]