5 Tips for Refugees on How to Write a Resume

Reading Time: 4 minutes    By Carol Duke, Contributor There are many reasons people around the world seek to build a new life in a different country. For refugees, this can mean leaving their home country entirely. Once you settle in and rebuild your life, it’s time to seek a new job. Of course, what better way to […]

Our Sangha: Mindfulness in Life and in Business

Our Sangha

Reading Time: 4 minutes    By Katie McAdam, Sona Circle After gaining a well-regarded role as an analyst at J.P Morgan, Amr Sabbah seemed to have it all. With a proud family, a secure income and a successful career, Sabbah was satisfied with his life.  Following his first year at the global finance giant, Sabbah’s initial contentment faded […]

6 Ways to Convince your Employer to Hire Refugees

Reading Time: 2 minutes    By Katy Cottrell, Sona Circle If you feel passionately about workplace equality and the social integration of refugees, addressing a lack of diversity in your own workspace is a great place to start. But having these types of conversations with your employers can be difficult, which is why we have created a list […]

5 Key Benefits to Hiring Refugees

Reading Time: 3 minutes    By Zoe Allen, Sona Circle Hiring refugees in your small business or start-up has a whole host of benefits that simply don’t get enough attention. Without a wide range of skills and talent, a business runs the risk of stagnating. Hiring refugee interns to access a highly motivated and diverse talent pipeline is […]